
Steve’s Articles

The Science of Groups, Part 2

The Science of Groups, Part 2

Get the full series delivered to your inbox. Be an insider on topics for Steve's disruptive next book. Read Part 1 Can science help us reshape a flawed culture? Can it help us achieve the societal changes many of us are striving for in a...

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Can Science Help Us Change Culture?

Can Science Help Us Change Culture?

Can science help us change culture? In particular, can it help us change a dominant/majority culture that knowingly and unknowingly discriminates against those who aren't members of this dominant culture? Can science point us to specific exercises and activities that...

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Is Political Activism Enough to Achieve Social Reform?

Is Political Activism Enough to Achieve Social Reform?

I’m a passionate political activist. But political activism has its downsides and its limits – unsavory compromises, the watering down of core values, settling on mediocre candidates, our candidates not delivering – and losing.

What if  a majority of voters were in agreement with our values and we didn’t have to fight so hard politically?

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The Face of Islam

The Face of Islam

We need more stories like this in these moments. FYI, Indonesia happens to be the nation with largest number of Muslims in the world - over 200 million. 15 % of the world's Muslims live there.

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Global Cooperation in a Pandemic

Global Cooperation in a Pandemic

In the midst of the COVID-19 international crisis, there couldn’t be a more important moment for global cooperation. Instead, our government has chosen to wield its economic power to buy up the existing supply of PPE (personal protective equipment) and virtually cut off the supply to our neighbors and allies.

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