
“I’m on a mission to deconstruct the colonizing culture I’m a product of – the culture of American whiteness.”

Many of us are waking up to the injustices committed by our predecessors in the establishment of this American nation. As we wake up, we can’t escape the nagging sense that our own lives are built upon a foundation of injustice. And we want to do something about it. We want to be a part of dismantling systems of injustice and divesting from our privilege. We want to do our part to decolonize ourselves and our communities and participate in building a society that is equitable for all.

I founded the nonprofit, SalaamUSA.org, to help us start taking concrete steps in this direction. Our three step process will help you progress through awareness, connection, and solidarity. The process is tailored specifically for people of privilege who have become aware of that privilege and desire to begin the journey of meaningful allyship.

Steve Slocum – award-winning author, social activist, thought leader

Helping or Hurting? Lessons in Allyship

A monthly newsletter tailored for people of privilege who are ready to do the deep work.

With your free subscription you will receive a complimentary copy of the resource list for our Allyship 101 workshop and a signed copy of my award-winning book, Why Do They Hate Us?

Steve Slocum is an award-winning author and the founder of SalaamUSA.org. Slocum’s book, Why Do They Hate Us? Making Peace with the Muslim World, is a 2020 silver medalist in the prestigious IBPA Benjamin Franklin Book Awards, and was named a Top Book of 2019 by both Booklist and Kirkus. Slocum is passionate about bringing highly diverse groups of people together, and loves talking about what we can learn from science about changing culture. He has appeared on the KTLA and CBS8 morning news programs and been invited to speak at international conferences in Qatar, the UN headquarters in Geneva, and the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto.

How groups of trees communicate

Using DNA analysis of both trees and fungi, Simard was able to create a network map of a small patch of Douglas fir forest showing that all of the trees, with a few isolated exceptions, were indeed linked together. Using that map, she has been able to establish kinship recognition between a “mother” tree and its offspring, and that these mother trees are even able to nurture their own kin. Read more about the fascinating biology of groups.

Key topics for Steve’s upcoming book:

Helping majority/dominant cultures understand what life feels like for minority/marginalized groups living within that culture, and changing themselves and their culture.
  • Becoming aware of privilege.
  • Becoming aware of structural discrimination.
  • Becoming allies of marginalized groups in reshaping society to be equitable for all.
Developing science-informed principles to guide the adaptation of groups of all kinds to the global society we have created.
  • Human groups across the planet no longer live in isolation from one another but are connected and intermingled on a global scale, whether geographically, economically, or via the global Internet network.
  • What do human groups need to look like in order for them to serve their purpose in a global society?
  • There is a delicate balance between the individual and the collective on all levels, and this balance should be factored into our understanding of individual autonomy.
  • We can learn from the social behaviors of all organisms.
  • Much more to come here.

I’ll also be:

  • Amplifying marginalized voices.
  • Finding ways to make transformational insight go viral.
  • Appreciating the reciprocity between humans, animals, other living things, and the planet.
  • Learning the non-whitewashed version of world history.
  • Respecting the value of science and learning.
  • Participating in the process of evolution, which happens very, very slowly. Each generation has a role to play even if it is infinitesimal.

How a single-celled organism joins a group – FASCINATING!

see 15-27 secs

“When the amount of the chemical surrounding an individual cell reaches a certain critical level, the scientists found, the cell starts to pulse rhythmically, firing off more chemicals into the surrounding area that prompt other cells to pulse, an effect that cascades through the population. Ultimately, the cells grow in sync with each other and eventually move together as a massive group.” Read more about the fascinating biology of groups.

steve slocum

Get your copy today!

Steve Slocum, Why Do They Hate Us

Meet the woman on the cover.

Why Do They Hate Us? Making Peace with the Muslim World

Why Do They Hate Us? Making Peace with the Muslim World

$18.99eBook: $7.99

In Why Do They Hate Us?, author Steve Slocum takes the spotlight off the extremists and instead exposes the heart of the everyday Muslim.

"In an era of rampant Islamophobia, Slocum’s book is essential reading."
Todd H. Green, author of The Fear of Islam: An Introduction to Islamophobia in the West

Silver medalist: IBPA Benjamin Franklin Book Awards
Named a best book of 2019 by Booklist and Kirkus.

Available in paperback and ebook


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With Americans still in shock after watching packed airliners fly into the World Trade Center towers, George W. Bush asked America, 

Why do they hate us?
